

Monday, September 24, 2012

A mistake?

I just hope to receive a message with positive reply...  But... haiz...

You know that was just a excuse, you know that I wouldn't mind travelling for you, or you do not even know that.

Maybe is my MISTAKE to say a "no", i shall say "YES" instead, as usual...

I guess in your mind: Since he say no, then nevermind, no need to force him...

Another mistake again, or is this a mistake? Or she will be better to mingle with her friends without me?

remain UNKNOWN

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A better man

We always said that :" a good friend will always remind you your mistake, or even scold you for that kind of mistake."

However, never a single person (except for parents and superior) remind me about my mistake, my weakness, is that proven that i don't have a good friend?

I think so, whenever i have something to share, the first person i always think of is she.

I think i am just a terrible friend.  I wish i can be a he for she, but, it didn't work out as i wish.

I want to be a better man for she, but i always make mistake, the mistake that i do not even know what is it...  Maybe in her perception that i am that kind of sturborn people, wouldn't listen to any advice.  I think so, that's why i always repeat my mistake, because, i do not know what is my problem!  I admit i might not like it, but that's a normal reaction right?  But at least i know that i will try to correct it later.  And you just said that this is who i am, you shouldn't change me.  Then you just want to face a person that you dont't like, both of us will suffering, i think.

Its been a few years, we both know each other very well, maybe is hard for you to accept me, my attitude, my way of doing job, my way of thinking.  Its not changing the matter, but tolerate, at least we give a ear to each other, just listen......

That's all my guessing, too many uncertainty, i just love who you are, love what you like, and so desperate to be the he for you.  Sometimes, i think i just trying too hard.