到底我在你心中,是个怎样的男朋友? 我又要如何做你心目中的那个男朋友?
P/S 最近我很穷因为要给考试费,RM1100++ 所以就不好意思啦。。。
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ujian kurikulum pendidikan pemandu
1. Apakah had laju yang ditetapkan bagi sebuah van di lebuh raya?
A. 70km/j
B. 90km/j
C. 100km/j
D. 110km/j
2. Semasa menuruni bukit, anda dikehendaki
A. menarik brek tangan
B. menekan cekam [clutch]
C. menggunakan gear tinggi
D. menggunakan gear rendah
3. Apakah peraturan yang telah diakui boleh menjamin jarak yng selamat apabila
mengekori kenderaan?
A. Peraturan 20 saat
B. Peraturan 2 saat,3 saat ,5 saat
C. Peraturan 2 saat ,4 saat,8 saat
D. Peraturan 2 saat ,4 saat ,12 saat
4. Mengikut kajian , berapa kalikah kemungkinan seorang pemandu mabuk untuk terlibat dengan kemalangan berbanding dengan pemandu yang tidak mabuk ?
A. 15 kali
B. 25 kali
C. 30 kali
D. 20 kali
5. Bagi menjamin bateri berfungsi dengan baik dan tahan lama ,anda mestilah menentukan:
A. air bateri diisi sehingga penuh
B. air yang digunakan mengandungi logam
C. paras air di dalam bateri diperiksa dari semasa ke semasa
D. air paip dicampurkan dengan air logam untuk meneutralkan air logam
6. Perkara-perkara berikut dirancang sebelum memulakan perjalanan kecuali:
A. keadaan cuaca
B. masa perjalanan
C. keadaan kenderaan
D. keadaan mental dan fizikal
7. Berapakah jumlah olah gerak atau pergerakan di dalam pemanduan sebenardi jalan raya ?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
8. Berapakah kandungan alkohol dalam setiap 100 milimeter darah yang dibenarkan bagi pemegang lesen memandu kompeten ketika memandu kenderaan ?
A. 35 miligram
B. 70 miligram
C. 80miligram
D. 107miligram
9. Ketika anda sedang memandu di sebatang jalan raya , tiba-tiba anda menyedari bahawa anda tidak memakai tali pinggang keledar .Apakah yang harus anda lakukan ?
A. terus memakai tali pinggang keledar walaupun sedang memandu
B. berhenti di sebelah kiri jalan dan pakai tali pinggang keledar
C. meminta kawan anda memakai tali pinggang untuk anda
D. tidak perlu memakainya kerana anda seorang pemandu berhemat
10. kenyataan di bawah merupakan kegunaan lampu kecemasan kecuali:
A. apabila berlaku kecemasan
B. sewaktu hujan lebat dan kabus lebat
C. lampu besar hadapan tidak berfungsi
D. kenderaan rosak dan berhenti di bahu jalan
11. sebelum memulakan perjalanan anda yang jauh, peralatan berikut perlu dibawa di dalam kenderaan anda kecuali:
A. sepana
B. jek (bicu)
C. tayar gentian
D. bateri tambahan
12. apabila anda menghampiri bulatan dan ingin membelok ke kanan, di lorong manakah anda mesti memandu ?
A. lorong kiri
B. lorong kanan
C. lorong kanan atau kiri
D. lorong yang tidak dilalui oleh kenderaan lain
13. bagaimanakah cara terbaik untuk memperlahankan kenderaan semasa memandu menuruni bukit?
A. tarik brek tangan
B. gunakan gear rendah
C. gunakan gear tinggi
D. tekan injak cekam (clutch)
14. pilih padanan komponen dan fungsi yang tidak sesuai dari berikut:
A. gear-kelajuan kenderaan
B. stereng-menukar lorong atau haluan
C. cekam-menghidupkan enjin
D. brek-perlahan dan berhenti
15. kenyataan di bawah adalah mengenai kedudukan kaki semasa menunggang motorsikal , pilih kenyatan yang betul.
A. menghalakan kaki ke tanah
B. jangan rapatkan kaki khasnya lutut pada tangki petrol atau raga motorsikal
C. letakkan kaki berhampiran brek dan pagar
16. semasa memandu kenderaan , anda ternampak tanda isyarat ‘BAHU JALAN LEMBUT ‘ . apakah yang tidak harus anda lakukan?
A. menukar kepada gear rendah
B. mempertahankan kenderaan anda
C. memando dengan lebih berhati-hati
D. meletakkan kenderaan di bahu jalan sebelah kiri
17. pemilik kenderaan bertanggungjawab untuk mengambil insurans kenderaan motor untuk
A. mengurangkan kadar kemalangan jalan raya
B. memberi kemudahan kepada orang ramai membeli kenderaan
C. menjaga kepentingan sendiri semasa menggunakan kenderaan di jalan raya
D. memberikan pampasan kepada pihak ketiga yang terlibat dalam kemalangan
18. apakah yang anda faham ddengan Kawasan Terlindung (blind spot) bagi penunggang motorsikal?
A. kawasan 100 meter di hadapan
B. kawasan di belakang penunggang
C. kawasan yang terlindung dari pandangan melalui cermin pandang sisi
D. kawasan yang terlindung daripada pandangan disebabkan oleh halangan kenderaan lain di hadapan
19. anda memerlukan tempoh masa tertentu jika hendak memotong kenderaan di hadapan semasa di jalan yang lurus . peraturan manakah yang perlu anda ikuti ?
A. peraturan 2 saat
B. peraturan10 saat
C. peraturan 12 saat
D. peraturan 20 saat
20. sekiranya paras suhu kereta tinggi , anda hendaklah :
A. periksa enjin dan radiator
B. tambahkan air dengan segera
C. berehat dan rehatkan enjin
D. berhenti di kedai membaiki kereta
21. apabila menungang motorsikal pada waktu malam, langkah berikut hendaklah diambil:
A. kurangkan kelajuan
B. gunakan gear rendah
C. memakai pakaian berwarna gelap
D. gunakan lampu tinggi sepanjang masa
22. apabila sesebuah kenderaan bergerak melalui kawasan lintasan pejalan kaki dikenali sebagai
A. olah gerak keluar
B. olah gerak ke dalam
C. olah gerak melintas
D. olah gerak memotong
23. pemandu yang memandu waktu malam akan mengalami keadaan rabun seketika akibat silauan cahaya terlalu terang dan boleh mendatangkan bahaya. Apa yang perlu anda lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini ?
A. memakai kanta pelekap
B. memejamkan mata sementara menunggu silauan cahaya lampu kenderan di hadapan berlalu
C. menggunakan cermin mata hitam untuk mengelak daripada cahaya lampu kenderaan yang terlalu terang
D. jangan lihat ke arah cahaya lampu kenderaan yang dating dari arah hadapan
24. mengapakah lampu amaran cas bateri masih menyala walaupun enjin telah dihidupkan ?
A. kehabisan bahan api
B. enjin terlampau panas
C. air bateri tidak mencukupi
D. bateri tidak mendapat cukup cas
25. apabila memanu menghampiri kawasan lintasan kereta api yang tidak berpagar , anda haruslah
A. berhenti di bahu jalan dan tunggu sehingga kereta api melintas
B. perlahankan kenderaan dan pastikan kawasan tersebut selamat sebelum dilalui
C. mendapatkan kebenaran untuk melalui kawasan tersebut daripadapihak berwajib
D. menambahkan kelajuan kenderaan andauntuk mendahului perjalanan kereta api di kawasan lintasan
26. faktor utama yang membawa kepada berlakunya kemalangan ialah
A. cuaca
B. pemandu
C. kenderaan
D. jalan raya
27. penjajaran roda yang tidak baik akan menyebabkan
A. tayar mudah pancit
B. tayar haus di bahagian tengah
C. tayar haus di bahagian tepi
D. tayar akan haus di semua bahagian
28. ketika enjin masih panas , anda tidak dibenarkan membuka penutup radiator kerana
A. enjin akan meletup
B. minyak enjin masih panas
C. air panas akan memancul
D. kipas radiator masih berpusing
29. semua pernyataan di bawah adalah betul kecuali
A. lesen D-motorkar
B. lesen E-traktor
C. lesen B-motosikal
D. lesen A-kenderaan orang cacat
30. apakah syarat-syarat kesihatan yang diperlukan pemohon untuk mendapatkan lesen memandu ?
A. sihat tubuh badan dan boleh mendengar pada jarak 23 meter
B. sihat tubuh badan dan boleh mendengar pada jarak 20meter
C. sihat tubuh badan dan boleh melihat pada jarak 20 meter dan tidak buta warna
D. sihat tubuh badan dan boleh melihat pada jarak 20 meter dan tidak buta warna
31. apakah langkah-langkah yang perlu anda ambil untuk mengurangkan ketegangan semasa memandu ?
A. hanya memandu ketika cuaca baik
B. makan , minum dan menghisap rokok
C. tidur dan memandu pada waktu malam
D. berhenti rehat dan melakukan senaman ringan
32. siapakah yang layak untuk memohon Permit Memandu Antarabangsa(IDP) ?
A. Pemegang Lesen Memandu Kompeten CDL
B. Pemegang Lesen Memandu Percubaan PDL
C. Pemegang Lesen Memandu Memando LML
D. Pemegang Lesen Memandu Vokasional GDL
33. kadar alkohol yang dibenarkan dalam naras seseorang pemegang Lesen Memandu Percubaan semasa memandu ialah :
A. 35 kilogram alkohol dalam 100 milimeter nafas
B. 80 kilogram alkohol dalam 100 milimeter nafas
C. 107kilogram alkohol dalam 100 milimeter nafas
D. 73 kilogram alkohol dalam 100 milimeter nafas
34. apakah warna plat ‘P’?
A. latar belakang-biru ;huruf-putih
B. latar belakang-biru ;huruf-merah
C. latar belakang-merah;huruf-putih
D. latar belakang-putih;huruf-merah
35. semua calon mesti memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut sebelum dibenarkan menduduki ujian amali :
A. telah menjalani latihan amali 18 jam
B. telah menghadiri kursus teori selama 4 jam
C. telah lulus undang-undang jalan raya (teori)
D. telah menjalani pra ujian di rumah
36. kenyataan yang manakah betul mengenai Lesen Belajar Memandu?
A. untuk kelas B dan D sahaja
B. untuk kelas selain B dan D sahaja
C. boleh diperbaharui bagi tempoh 1 atau 2 tahun sekali
D. boleh diperbaharui bagi tempoh 3 atau 8 bulan sekali
37. seorng pemandu telah didapati bersalah kerana memandu kenderaan dengan kelajuan 70km/j di kawasan had laju 50 km/j . berapakah mata demerit yang dikenakan kepadanya mengikut Sistem KEJARA ?
A. 15 mata
B. 10 mata
C. 6 mata
D. 8 mata
38. kesalahan-kesalahan yang manakah di bawah tidak tergolong dalam kesalahan-kesalahan terjadual dalam Sistem KEJARA?
A. memandu semasa mengantuk
B. memandu melebihi had laju yang ditetapkan
C. memandu dalam keadaan mabuk kerana pengaruh alkohol
D. mengabaikan arahan-arahan dan isyarat-isyarat lalu lintas
39. menuruni bukit yang curam memerlukan kita memandu dengan lebih berhati-hati. Apakah langkah yang sesuai diambil apabila memandu dalam keadaan ini ?
A. tekan injak cekam dan kawal stereng
B. tukar kepada gear tinggi dan bersedia untuk membrek
C. tukar kepada gear rendah dan bersedia untuk membrek
D. sentiasa menggunakan brek dan cekam untuk mengawal kelajuan kereta
40. apakah faktor yang mengakibatkan Hyroplanning?
A. tayar botak
B. jalan kering
C. kenderaan yang dipandu perlahan
D. tekanan angin yang mencukupi
41. jika anda ingin memotong kenderaan di hadapan ,anda mestilah :
A. memandu perlahan
B. menggunakan gear rendah
C. mematuhi peraturan 12 saat
D. menyalakan lampu hadapan
42. berapa lamakah tempoh sesuatu Lesen Memandu Percubaan?
A. 6 bulan
B. 12 bulan
C. 24 bulan
43. kelayakan umur minimum untuk memohon Lesen Belajar Memandu bagi kelas B ialah :
A. 15 tahun
B. 16 tahun
C. 17 tahun
D. 18 tahun
44. Berapa lamakah sah laku bagi ujian undang-undang sebelum calon menduduki ujian amali?
A. 1 tahun dari tarikh lulus
B. 2 tahun dari tarikh lulus
C. 3 tahun dari tarikh lulus
45. berapa lamakah tempoh sah laku sijil keputusan ujian memandu untuk memohon Lesen Memandu?
A. 1tahun
B. 2 tahun
C. 3 tahun
D. ½ tahun
46. apakah jenis lesen yang diperlukan oleh seorang pemandu Kenderaan Perkhidmatan Awam?
A. Lesen memandu kompeten dan Lesen PSV
B. Lesen memandu kompeten dan Lesen GDL
C. Lesen memandu kompeten dan Lesen Konduktor
D. Lesen memandu kompeten dan Lesen Permit Memandu Antarabangsa
47. pemegang Lesen Memandu Percubaan hendaklah mempamerkan :
A. plat ‘L’ di hadapan dan di belakang kenderaan
B. plat ‘P’ di hadapan dan di belakang kenderaan
C. plat ‘AWAS PEMANDU CACAT’ di belakang kenderaan
D. plat ‘PEMANDU SEDANG DIUJI’ di hadapan kenderaan
48. di bawah sistem KEJARA apakah jenis tindakan yang boleh dikenakan kepada pemegang Lesen Memandu Kompeten apabila didapati telah mengumpul 15 mata demerit atau lebih kali ketiga dalam tempoh lima tahun?
A. Lesen memandu kompeten digantung tidak melebihi 6 bulan
B. Lesen memandu kompeten digantung tidak melebihi 12 bulan
C. Lesen memandu kompeten digantung 6 bulan dan tindakan pembatalan lesen akan dibuat
D. Lesen memandu kompeten digantung 12 bulan dan tindakan pembatalan lesen akan dibuat
49. di bawah sistem KEJARA berapakah mata demerit yang boleh dikenakan pada pemandu yang melakukan kesalahan kerana tidak mematuhi lampu isyarat semasa memandu di jalan raya?
A. 5 mata
B. 10 mata
C. 8 mata
D. 15 mata
50. waktu sibuk adalah masa berikut kecuali
A. 7.00 pagi- 8.00 pagi
B. 12.00 t.hari-1 t.hari
C. 4.00 petang-5 petang
D. 6.00 petang- 7.00 petang
selamat menjawab!!!
Disediakan oleh:
(Tan Wei Hoa)
1. Apakah had laju yang ditetapkan bagi sebuah van di lebuh raya?
A. 70km/j
B. 90km/j
C. 100km/j
D. 110km/j
2. Semasa menuruni bukit, anda dikehendaki
A. menarik brek tangan
B. menekan cekam [clutch]
C. menggunakan gear tinggi
D. menggunakan gear rendah
3. Apakah peraturan yang telah diakui boleh menjamin jarak yng selamat apabila
mengekori kenderaan?
A. Peraturan 20 saat
B. Peraturan 2 saat,3 saat ,5 saat
C. Peraturan 2 saat ,4 saat,8 saat
D. Peraturan 2 saat ,4 saat ,12 saat
4. Mengikut kajian , berapa kalikah kemungkinan seorang pemandu mabuk untuk terlibat dengan kemalangan berbanding dengan pemandu yang tidak mabuk ?
A. 15 kali
B. 25 kali
C. 30 kali
D. 20 kali
5. Bagi menjamin bateri berfungsi dengan baik dan tahan lama ,anda mestilah menentukan:
A. air bateri diisi sehingga penuh
B. air yang digunakan mengandungi logam
C. paras air di dalam bateri diperiksa dari semasa ke semasa
D. air paip dicampurkan dengan air logam untuk meneutralkan air logam
6. Perkara-perkara berikut dirancang sebelum memulakan perjalanan kecuali:
A. keadaan cuaca
B. masa perjalanan
C. keadaan kenderaan
D. keadaan mental dan fizikal
7. Berapakah jumlah olah gerak atau pergerakan di dalam pemanduan sebenardi jalan raya ?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
8. Berapakah kandungan alkohol dalam setiap 100 milimeter darah yang dibenarkan bagi pemegang lesen memandu kompeten ketika memandu kenderaan ?
A. 35 miligram
B. 70 miligram
C. 80miligram
D. 107miligram
9. Ketika anda sedang memandu di sebatang jalan raya , tiba-tiba anda menyedari bahawa anda tidak memakai tali pinggang keledar .Apakah yang harus anda lakukan ?
A. terus memakai tali pinggang keledar walaupun sedang memandu
B. berhenti di sebelah kiri jalan dan pakai tali pinggang keledar
C. meminta kawan anda memakai tali pinggang untuk anda
D. tidak perlu memakainya kerana anda seorang pemandu berhemat
10. kenyataan di bawah merupakan kegunaan lampu kecemasan kecuali:
A. apabila berlaku kecemasan
B. sewaktu hujan lebat dan kabus lebat
C. lampu besar hadapan tidak berfungsi
D. kenderaan rosak dan berhenti di bahu jalan
11. sebelum memulakan perjalanan anda yang jauh, peralatan berikut perlu dibawa di dalam kenderaan anda kecuali:
A. sepana
B. jek (bicu)
C. tayar gentian
D. bateri tambahan
12. apabila anda menghampiri bulatan dan ingin membelok ke kanan, di lorong manakah anda mesti memandu ?
A. lorong kiri
B. lorong kanan
C. lorong kanan atau kiri
D. lorong yang tidak dilalui oleh kenderaan lain
13. bagaimanakah cara terbaik untuk memperlahankan kenderaan semasa memandu menuruni bukit?
A. tarik brek tangan
B. gunakan gear rendah
C. gunakan gear tinggi
D. tekan injak cekam (clutch)
14. pilih padanan komponen dan fungsi yang tidak sesuai dari berikut:
A. gear-kelajuan kenderaan
B. stereng-menukar lorong atau haluan
C. cekam-menghidupkan enjin
D. brek-perlahan dan berhenti
15. kenyataan di bawah adalah mengenai kedudukan kaki semasa menunggang motorsikal , pilih kenyatan yang betul.
A. menghalakan kaki ke tanah
B. jangan rapatkan kaki khasnya lutut pada tangki petrol atau raga motorsikal
C. letakkan kaki berhampiran brek dan pagar
16. semasa memandu kenderaan , anda ternampak tanda isyarat ‘BAHU JALAN LEMBUT ‘ . apakah yang tidak harus anda lakukan?
A. menukar kepada gear rendah
B. mempertahankan kenderaan anda
C. memando dengan lebih berhati-hati
D. meletakkan kenderaan di bahu jalan sebelah kiri
17. pemilik kenderaan bertanggungjawab untuk mengambil insurans kenderaan motor untuk
A. mengurangkan kadar kemalangan jalan raya
B. memberi kemudahan kepada orang ramai membeli kenderaan
C. menjaga kepentingan sendiri semasa menggunakan kenderaan di jalan raya
D. memberikan pampasan kepada pihak ketiga yang terlibat dalam kemalangan
18. apakah yang anda faham ddengan Kawasan Terlindung (blind spot) bagi penunggang motorsikal?
A. kawasan 100 meter di hadapan
B. kawasan di belakang penunggang
C. kawasan yang terlindung dari pandangan melalui cermin pandang sisi
D. kawasan yang terlindung daripada pandangan disebabkan oleh halangan kenderaan lain di hadapan
19. anda memerlukan tempoh masa tertentu jika hendak memotong kenderaan di hadapan semasa di jalan yang lurus . peraturan manakah yang perlu anda ikuti ?
A. peraturan 2 saat
B. peraturan10 saat
C. peraturan 12 saat
D. peraturan 20 saat
20. sekiranya paras suhu kereta tinggi , anda hendaklah :
A. periksa enjin dan radiator
B. tambahkan air dengan segera
C. berehat dan rehatkan enjin
D. berhenti di kedai membaiki kereta
21. apabila menungang motorsikal pada waktu malam, langkah berikut hendaklah diambil:
A. kurangkan kelajuan
B. gunakan gear rendah
C. memakai pakaian berwarna gelap
D. gunakan lampu tinggi sepanjang masa
22. apabila sesebuah kenderaan bergerak melalui kawasan lintasan pejalan kaki dikenali sebagai
A. olah gerak keluar
B. olah gerak ke dalam
C. olah gerak melintas
D. olah gerak memotong
23. pemandu yang memandu waktu malam akan mengalami keadaan rabun seketika akibat silauan cahaya terlalu terang dan boleh mendatangkan bahaya. Apa yang perlu anda lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini ?
A. memakai kanta pelekap
B. memejamkan mata sementara menunggu silauan cahaya lampu kenderan di hadapan berlalu
C. menggunakan cermin mata hitam untuk mengelak daripada cahaya lampu kenderaan yang terlalu terang
D. jangan lihat ke arah cahaya lampu kenderaan yang dating dari arah hadapan
24. mengapakah lampu amaran cas bateri masih menyala walaupun enjin telah dihidupkan ?
A. kehabisan bahan api
B. enjin terlampau panas
C. air bateri tidak mencukupi
D. bateri tidak mendapat cukup cas
25. apabila memanu menghampiri kawasan lintasan kereta api yang tidak berpagar , anda haruslah
A. berhenti di bahu jalan dan tunggu sehingga kereta api melintas
B. perlahankan kenderaan dan pastikan kawasan tersebut selamat sebelum dilalui
C. mendapatkan kebenaran untuk melalui kawasan tersebut daripadapihak berwajib
D. menambahkan kelajuan kenderaan andauntuk mendahului perjalanan kereta api di kawasan lintasan
26. faktor utama yang membawa kepada berlakunya kemalangan ialah
A. cuaca
B. pemandu
C. kenderaan
D. jalan raya
27. penjajaran roda yang tidak baik akan menyebabkan
A. tayar mudah pancit
B. tayar haus di bahagian tengah
C. tayar haus di bahagian tepi
D. tayar akan haus di semua bahagian
28. ketika enjin masih panas , anda tidak dibenarkan membuka penutup radiator kerana
A. enjin akan meletup
B. minyak enjin masih panas
C. air panas akan memancul
D. kipas radiator masih berpusing
29. semua pernyataan di bawah adalah betul kecuali
A. lesen D-motorkar
B. lesen E-traktor
C. lesen B-motosikal
D. lesen A-kenderaan orang cacat
30. apakah syarat-syarat kesihatan yang diperlukan pemohon untuk mendapatkan lesen memandu ?
A. sihat tubuh badan dan boleh mendengar pada jarak 23 meter
B. sihat tubuh badan dan boleh mendengar pada jarak 20meter
C. sihat tubuh badan dan boleh melihat pada jarak 20 meter dan tidak buta warna
D. sihat tubuh badan dan boleh melihat pada jarak 20 meter dan tidak buta warna
31. apakah langkah-langkah yang perlu anda ambil untuk mengurangkan ketegangan semasa memandu ?
A. hanya memandu ketika cuaca baik
B. makan , minum dan menghisap rokok
C. tidur dan memandu pada waktu malam
D. berhenti rehat dan melakukan senaman ringan
32. siapakah yang layak untuk memohon Permit Memandu Antarabangsa(IDP) ?
A. Pemegang Lesen Memandu Kompeten CDL
B. Pemegang Lesen Memandu Percubaan PDL
C. Pemegang Lesen Memandu Memando LML
D. Pemegang Lesen Memandu Vokasional GDL
33. kadar alkohol yang dibenarkan dalam naras seseorang pemegang Lesen Memandu Percubaan semasa memandu ialah :
A. 35 kilogram alkohol dalam 100 milimeter nafas
B. 80 kilogram alkohol dalam 100 milimeter nafas
C. 107kilogram alkohol dalam 100 milimeter nafas
D. 73 kilogram alkohol dalam 100 milimeter nafas
34. apakah warna plat ‘P’?
A. latar belakang-biru ;huruf-putih
B. latar belakang-biru ;huruf-merah
C. latar belakang-merah;huruf-putih
D. latar belakang-putih;huruf-merah
35. semua calon mesti memenuhi syarat-syarat berikut sebelum dibenarkan menduduki ujian amali :
A. telah menjalani latihan amali 18 jam
B. telah menghadiri kursus teori selama 4 jam
C. telah lulus undang-undang jalan raya (teori)
D. telah menjalani pra ujian di rumah
36. kenyataan yang manakah betul mengenai Lesen Belajar Memandu?
A. untuk kelas B dan D sahaja
B. untuk kelas selain B dan D sahaja
C. boleh diperbaharui bagi tempoh 1 atau 2 tahun sekali
D. boleh diperbaharui bagi tempoh 3 atau 8 bulan sekali
37. seorng pemandu telah didapati bersalah kerana memandu kenderaan dengan kelajuan 70km/j di kawasan had laju 50 km/j . berapakah mata demerit yang dikenakan kepadanya mengikut Sistem KEJARA ?
A. 15 mata
B. 10 mata
C. 6 mata
D. 8 mata
38. kesalahan-kesalahan yang manakah di bawah tidak tergolong dalam kesalahan-kesalahan terjadual dalam Sistem KEJARA?
A. memandu semasa mengantuk
B. memandu melebihi had laju yang ditetapkan
C. memandu dalam keadaan mabuk kerana pengaruh alkohol
D. mengabaikan arahan-arahan dan isyarat-isyarat lalu lintas
39. menuruni bukit yang curam memerlukan kita memandu dengan lebih berhati-hati. Apakah langkah yang sesuai diambil apabila memandu dalam keadaan ini ?
A. tekan injak cekam dan kawal stereng
B. tukar kepada gear tinggi dan bersedia untuk membrek
C. tukar kepada gear rendah dan bersedia untuk membrek
D. sentiasa menggunakan brek dan cekam untuk mengawal kelajuan kereta
40. apakah faktor yang mengakibatkan Hyroplanning?
A. tayar botak
B. jalan kering
C. kenderaan yang dipandu perlahan
D. tekanan angin yang mencukupi
41. jika anda ingin memotong kenderaan di hadapan ,anda mestilah :
A. memandu perlahan
B. menggunakan gear rendah
C. mematuhi peraturan 12 saat
D. menyalakan lampu hadapan
42. berapa lamakah tempoh sesuatu Lesen Memandu Percubaan?
A. 6 bulan
B. 12 bulan
C. 24 bulan
43. kelayakan umur minimum untuk memohon Lesen Belajar Memandu bagi kelas B ialah :
A. 15 tahun
B. 16 tahun
C. 17 tahun
D. 18 tahun
44. Berapa lamakah sah laku bagi ujian undang-undang sebelum calon menduduki ujian amali?
A. 1 tahun dari tarikh lulus
B. 2 tahun dari tarikh lulus
C. 3 tahun dari tarikh lulus
45. berapa lamakah tempoh sah laku sijil keputusan ujian memandu untuk memohon Lesen Memandu?
A. 1tahun
B. 2 tahun
C. 3 tahun
D. ½ tahun
46. apakah jenis lesen yang diperlukan oleh seorang pemandu Kenderaan Perkhidmatan Awam?
A. Lesen memandu kompeten dan Lesen PSV
B. Lesen memandu kompeten dan Lesen GDL
C. Lesen memandu kompeten dan Lesen Konduktor
D. Lesen memandu kompeten dan Lesen Permit Memandu Antarabangsa
47. pemegang Lesen Memandu Percubaan hendaklah mempamerkan :
A. plat ‘L’ di hadapan dan di belakang kenderaan
B. plat ‘P’ di hadapan dan di belakang kenderaan
C. plat ‘AWAS PEMANDU CACAT’ di belakang kenderaan
D. plat ‘PEMANDU SEDANG DIUJI’ di hadapan kenderaan
48. di bawah sistem KEJARA apakah jenis tindakan yang boleh dikenakan kepada pemegang Lesen Memandu Kompeten apabila didapati telah mengumpul 15 mata demerit atau lebih kali ketiga dalam tempoh lima tahun?
A. Lesen memandu kompeten digantung tidak melebihi 6 bulan
B. Lesen memandu kompeten digantung tidak melebihi 12 bulan
C. Lesen memandu kompeten digantung 6 bulan dan tindakan pembatalan lesen akan dibuat
D. Lesen memandu kompeten digantung 12 bulan dan tindakan pembatalan lesen akan dibuat
49. di bawah sistem KEJARA berapakah mata demerit yang boleh dikenakan pada pemandu yang melakukan kesalahan kerana tidak mematuhi lampu isyarat semasa memandu di jalan raya?
A. 5 mata
B. 10 mata
C. 8 mata
D. 15 mata
50. waktu sibuk adalah masa berikut kecuali
A. 7.00 pagi- 8.00 pagi
B. 12.00 t.hari-1 t.hari
C. 4.00 petang-5 petang
D. 6.00 petang- 7.00 petang
selamat menjawab!!!
Disediakan oleh:
(Tan Wei Hoa)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
还没来得及给自己答案,就看着电脑荧幕上那粗体及划线的字眼—tidak dapat 。。。
在面子书公告天下后,好想很讽刺的仰天长啸,好想尽情的大骂秽语。。。我压抑自己,压抑感性的我,理性地我在耳边细语“这不正是你早已预料好的结果吗?没必要去失望。 ”
失败了就要放弃咩?去找马华,找政治人物啦。。你要知道,到你没有做工 时,钱是有出没有进的。。。你要懂哦,那三年的学费我是没有办法给你的哦。。。你自己要想,爸爸的情况是怎样。。。
所以我都有想过,这些我都有想过 。。。
还没来得及给自己答案,就看着电脑荧幕上那粗体及划线的字眼—tidak dapat 。。。
在面子书公告天下后,好想很讽刺的仰天长啸,好想尽情的大骂秽语。。。我压抑自己,压抑感性的我,理性地我在耳边细语“这不正是你早已预料好的结果吗?没必要去失望。 ”
失败了就要放弃咩?去找马华,找政治人物啦。。你要知道,到你没有做工 时,钱是有出没有进的。。。你要懂哦,那三年的学费我是没有办法给你的哦。。。你自己要想,爸爸的情况是怎样。。。
所以我都有想过,这些我都有想过 。。。
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
13/5/10 星期四
。 。 。 。
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Monday, May 17, 2010
12/5/10 星期三
付了钱,就麻烦店员把她包了起来 。然后就去买第二份礼物。。。
我们替这公仔取名为girl girl。
付了钱,就麻烦店员把她包了起来 。然后就去买第二份礼物。。。
我们替这公仔取名为girl girl。
宝贝就可以抱着girl girl入睡了。。。
宝贝就可以抱着girl girl入睡了。。。
你依然有girlgirl 的陪伴。。。
你依然有girlgirl 的陪伴。。。
11/5/10 星期二
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
由于炮冰店提早打烊,所以我们就换地点到old town去。谁知道我们才坐下来没多久,隔壁店的警钟就响个不停。。。差不多响了半粒钟,才恢复宁静。随后主席,许国新也到了。
由于炮冰店提早打烊,所以我们就换地点到old town去。谁知道我们才坐下来没多久,隔壁店的警钟就响个不停。。。差不多响了半粒钟,才恢复宁静。随后主席,许国新也到了。
10/5/10 星期一
这一夜,行了若干次,始终爬不起来,而且每次醒后再睡发不同的梦。。。不解>< 有一次醒来还看见妈在看报纸。。。
在班上,今天有miss yeoh 和mr lim 的节,所以我们一党人又在后面捣蛋,十分有趣。。。
这一夜,行了若干次,始终爬不起来,而且每次醒后再睡发不同的梦。。。不解>< 有一次醒来还看见妈在看报纸。。。
在班上,今天有miss yeoh 和mr lim 的节,所以我们一党人又在后面捣蛋,十分有趣。。。
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
‘将帅’蒲种三校象棋队际赛 9/5/10
骑摩哆去韦纶家---和宝贝,参赛者们搭巴士去ioi bus stop---到对面的巴士站找恺丽---在搭巴士到赛场~SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1(主办学校)---交流---等Kenny~蒲种少年之窗(协办单位)主席---拍大合照---拿电脑出来做公事但没电---作闲人---带爸爸上学校送面包(学校在山坡上)---作闲人---拿功课出来但没做--- 作闲人---终于可以帮上忙了,帮忙谝排赛制---临闭幕时,宝仪来诉苦---闭幕---拍照---等宝贝开完检讨会一起回,最后却没开。。。回家。。。
两个人漫步,从学校到巴士站。。。 原本是回家,过后却和宝贝再跑去喝茶谈天。。。
Monday, May 10, 2010
我为她策划的。。。8/5/10 - 续集-
??? ???
??? ???
kar sin, aik kern, khimmy, sook tieng, wai loon, zheng pei, chun ming, lock min, yong kit, swee chuan, yen yi, qian ru, kar gay,
Thank you!!
P/S 一切的付出,是值得,虽然最终不是得到我想要的结果,我会更努力,只要你开心,我都会尽全力,你笑,我也笑,你哭,就算我多难受,也要笑,因为要哄回你。。。一切只因为我在乎你,我不想失去你,我爱你。。。这一次的salt heart cloud force 没做到,我失败,不过我会站起来,因为前面的路还远,我会紧紧牵着你,带你走下去。。。
??? ???
??? ???
kar sin, aik kern, khimmy, sook tieng, wai loon, zheng pei, chun ming, lock min, yong kit, swee chuan, yen yi, qian ru, kar gay,
Thank you!!
P/S 一切的付出,是值得,虽然最终不是得到我想要的结果,我会更努力,只要你开心,我都会尽全力,你笑,我也笑,你哭,就算我多难受,也要笑,因为要哄回你。。。一切只因为我在乎你,我不想失去你,我爱你。。。这一次的salt heart cloud force 没做到,我失败,不过我会站起来,因为前面的路还远,我会紧紧牵着你,带你走下去。。。
买了票后我们就去到处找吃,虽然脚有点疼,不过牵着宝贝就要忍着,不让她担心,以免破坏气氛。两个傻瓜依着找,也不知道想吃什么。。。走到Asia Avenue,就到里面觅食,心血来潮想吃火锅,所以就坐了下来,见没来人来招呼,我就上前去询问,原来员工们都还没准备好,真是无话可说,唯有再去找咯。。。我们来到了大头贴区,两人一直往不同的机钻,从这一架机钻到另外一架,而且还在里面。。。
突然宝贝一句:我们忘了我们的Full House。
呵呵,所以我们就朝目的地前进。。在出发前,Full House 就在我们的后面,我们并没察觉到,所以绕了一大圈我们才到。。。
觉得自己好有本事,可以带宝贝去Full House, 宝贝也好开心,我又赢了。。。哈哈
吃饱后两人就到处逛逛 ,看宝贝喜欢写什么就买给她。我们逛嘎逛。。走啊走。。宝贝看到了一个很有趣的塞子,所以就买了下来。塞子的里面分别是不同的家务,挺有趣的。。。
时间到了,我们就去看电影,支持本地制作,有我的偶像所执导,及大马帮所主演的Ice Kacang Puppy Love。。。戏里没有强大的电脑特效,却有一番本土的风情。。戏里没有奥斯卡得主的大牌演员,却让大家看见了本地艺人的滑稽搞笑动作。。。戏里没有紧凑的故事情节,却有充满温馨的动人故事。。。戏院里没有三维立体特效,不过戏院里有我和她一起看这一部戏,所以特别幸福。。。这一回合是第四个胜利!
买了票后我们就去到处找吃,虽然脚有点疼,不过牵着宝贝就要忍着,不让她担心,以免破坏气氛。两个傻瓜依着找,也不知道想吃什么。。。走到Asia Avenue,就到里面觅食,心血来潮想吃火锅,所以就坐了下来,见没来人来招呼,我就上前去询问,原来员工们都还没准备好,真是无话可说,唯有再去找咯。。。我们来到了大头贴区,两人一直往不同的机钻,从这一架机钻到另外一架,而且还在里面。。。
突然宝贝一句:我们忘了我们的Full House。
呵呵,所以我们就朝目的地前进。。在出发前,Full House 就在我们的后面,我们并没察觉到,所以绕了一大圈我们才到。。。
觉得自己好有本事,可以带宝贝去Full House, 宝贝也好开心,我又赢了。。。哈哈
吃饱后两人就到处逛逛 ,看宝贝喜欢写什么就买给她。我们逛嘎逛。。走啊走。。宝贝看到了一个很有趣的塞子,所以就买了下来。塞子的里面分别是不同的家务,挺有趣的。。。
时间到了,我们就去看电影,支持本地制作,有我的偶像所执导,及大马帮所主演的Ice Kacang Puppy Love。。。戏里没有强大的电脑特效,却有一番本土的风情。。戏里没有奥斯卡得主的大牌演员,却让大家看见了本地艺人的滑稽搞笑动作。。。戏里没有紧凑的故事情节,却有充满温馨的动人故事。。。戏院里没有三维立体特效,不过戏院里有我和她一起看这一部戏,所以特别幸福。。。这一回合是第四个胜利!
Monday, May 3, 2010
today...have no mood to do nothing
feel likes got a lot of works haven't finish...
Dad, Happy birthday... 2/5/2010
Now...is my student tea time...so i will take this 15 minutes to write how did us celebrate our dad's birthday yesterday...but before that~~
On the mornig, I brought ern ern to McDonalds to have our breakfast...which I never try before...hehe...paiseh...
I not sure whether the burger ern ern ordered is chicken or beef...but it taste good so just forget about it...
The cashier totally forgot about hashbrown that we ordered and that time already pass 11 am...when I went to counter aked for it...he didn't let me finish what I want to say...He keep saying that no more hash brown .only got french fries...luckily there was a woman who I think is supervisor help me to get it...
I give service charge okey? How can this kind of attitude appear nowadays,luckily that day I in a good mood...
On the afternoon, I went to McDonalds again to meet a friend to discuss our coming big event...secret~~
At the evening, my dad came back...but i busy dealing with teacher and Kenny about the Chinese Chess Tournament...so busy and have to take very good care when speak out every single word...
After we all have change our clothes,set our hairstyle...put some perfume...actually only daddy put...hehe
...then we went for dinner...
We planned to go to the library opposite MBA...but when we reached there, already closed...So we decided to go to the shop where we bought our spectacles which is near by...but it was closed too...aiyooo...
We have no choice so we went to the steamboat shop where we decided to go before...but...(again)...there got so many people lining up to wait for their turn...
I went to line up...But dad change his mind and decided to bring us to the hawker center we go usually to eat Nyong Tau Fu...but the stall wasn't at the shop already ...bankrupt? So at the end we went to the near by restaurant...which is steamboat shop too to have our dinner...
Lastly...I paid for the dinner...For 18 years...this was the first time i pay for the dinner...dinner with my family...
Dad...happy birthday...
On the mornig, I brought ern ern to McDonalds to have our breakfast...which I never try before...hehe...paiseh...
I not sure whether the burger ern ern ordered is chicken or beef...but it taste good so just forget about it...
The cashier totally forgot about hashbrown that we ordered and that time already pass 11 am...when I went to counter aked for it...he didn't let me finish what I want to say...He keep saying that no more hash brown .only got french fries...luckily there was a woman who I think is supervisor help me to get it...
I give service charge okey? How can this kind of attitude appear nowadays,luckily that day I in a good mood...
On the afternoon, I went to McDonalds again to meet a friend to discuss our coming big event...secret~~
At the evening, my dad came back...but i busy dealing with teacher and Kenny about the Chinese Chess Tournament...so busy and have to take very good care when speak out every single word...
After we all have change our clothes,set our hairstyle...put some perfume...actually only daddy put...hehe
...then we went for dinner...
We planned to go to the library opposite MBA...but when we reached there, already closed...So we decided to go to the shop where we bought our spectacles which is near by...but it was closed too...aiyooo...
We have no choice so we went to the steamboat shop where we decided to go before...but...(again)...there got so many people lining up to wait for their turn...
I went to line up...But dad change his mind and decided to bring us to the hawker center we go usually to eat Nyong Tau Fu...but the stall wasn't at the shop already ...bankrupt? So at the end we went to the near by restaurant...which is steamboat shop too to have our dinner...
Lastly...I paid for the dinner...For 18 years...this was the first time i pay for the dinner...dinner with my family...
Dad...happy birthday...
Dear...today you got work...
I so miss you...
I love you
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Labour Day 1/5/2010
Now...my blog is my diary...I will try to write down every thing happened everyday...
Me,dad ,ern ern and ru ru went for our breakfast. I do not have Taekwondo class and dad rest for today as he suppose to be...Then we went uncle's house and sit for a while...
I received message from dear that she had wake up and later kim han will fetch them to Vista Millennium Condominium, where I live to swim...
When I saw the message that she mentioned that Kim Han will fetch them...I feel weird and uncomfortable...
Maybe is because that i already got my license but I am not the one to go fetch her...Just feel weird...but never mind...Just let it be and forget about it...
So I went back home to meet them, I suppose drive back by myself, but the car owner...my dad change his mind...its ok for me as long as I can go back home...And I know that dad later have to fetch our China relatives to KLIA...he is going back to China today...
I went back...I met them...KimHan,KarSin,Kenn,HooiZhi...and we swim together...
Did I just said swim? I think play water is probably more suitable...we also took several photos...
I got the chance to relax and play with my friends...I was so happy...most important is she was there too..
And...KimHan said me fat already...
Of course ,if not I have no meat to lengthen myself to become taller...haha
After about one and a half hour...we get hungry and tired...So we clean ourselves then KimHan fetch us to go for lunch...chicken rice...
I went to Tesco by bus by myself for a meeting about Chinese Chess Tournament...
It was quite boring...So you guys no need to know about it...hehe
When the meeting finish, I called my dad whether he can come to fetch me or not...luckily he was on the way back from KLIA...so i not need to be fish sardine...hoho
We straight away went to uncle house...
I planned to go play basketball...but the Korea artist come and visit us~ Rain~...hehe...so cold
I changed my mind...I borrowed the broadband from my cousin...and keep online ...
Lastly , we went back home...Did i take bath? I think yes...
I and ern ern watch TV together...Ru ru stay at uncle's house...
I wonder why ern ern dont't want go to sleep since he is very tired...his eyes told me...with all the red-vessels...
He told me that he afraid to sleep himself...i just ignore him...at the end he also went to sleep by himself in the room without brother and sister accompany him...
Babe ...I love you...good night... muackz...
I will tell her the same thing every night before I sleep...
But sometimes jut too tired...Sorry babe
Me,dad ,ern ern and ru ru went for our breakfast. I do not have Taekwondo class and dad rest for today as he suppose to be...Then we went uncle's house and sit for a while...
I received message from dear that she had wake up and later kim han will fetch them to Vista Millennium Condominium, where I live to swim...
When I saw the message that she mentioned that Kim Han will fetch them...I feel weird and uncomfortable...
Maybe is because that i already got my license but I am not the one to go fetch her...Just feel weird...but never mind...Just let it be and forget about it...
So I went back home to meet them, I suppose drive back by myself, but the car owner...my dad change his mind...its ok for me as long as I can go back home...And I know that dad later have to fetch our China relatives to KLIA...he is going back to China today...
I went back...I met them...KimHan,KarSin,Kenn,HooiZhi...and we swim together...
Did I just said swim? I think play water is probably more suitable...we also took several photos...
I got the chance to relax and play with my friends...I was so happy...most important is she was there too..
And...KimHan said me fat already...
Of course ,if not I have no meat to lengthen myself to become taller...haha
After about one and a half hour...we get hungry and tired...So we clean ourselves then KimHan fetch us to go for lunch...chicken rice...
I went to Tesco by bus by myself for a meeting about Chinese Chess Tournament...
It was quite boring...So you guys no need to know about it...hehe
When the meeting finish, I called my dad whether he can come to fetch me or not...luckily he was on the way back from KLIA...so i not need to be fish sardine...hoho
We straight away went to uncle house...
I planned to go play basketball...but the Korea artist come and visit us~ Rain~...hehe...so cold
I changed my mind...I borrowed the broadband from my cousin...and keep online ...
Lastly , we went back home...Did i take bath? I think yes...
I and ern ern watch TV together...Ru ru stay at uncle's house...
I wonder why ern ern dont't want go to sleep since he is very tired...his eyes told me...with all the red-vessels...
He told me that he afraid to sleep himself...i just ignore him...at the end he also went to sleep by himself in the room without brother and sister accompany him...
Babe ...I love you...good night... muackz...
I will tell her the same thing every night before I sleep...
But sometimes jut too tired...Sorry babe
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Tears 30/4/2010
宝贝,这是写给你的。。。 没错,就是你。。。
Home 30/4/10
I go back home ...have some dinners...then watch TV ..
Dad ask me to finish ourTan's Family Chart and Details Project and print it out...so that his dad's cousin...or my grandfather's cousin who is from China can bring it back to show our relatives...
The feeling is quite warm when we know that there is someone related to us at the other country especially from China...Feel likes we back to our origin...
After I print it out...i go take bath then we go mum working place for second times dinner...
I have some chat with my dad...and ask how he want to celebrate his birthday...
U want to know?
Dad ask me to finish our
The feeling is quite warm when we know that there is someone related to us at the other country especially from China...Feel likes we back to our origin...
After I print it out...i go take bath then we go mum working place for second times dinner...
I have some chat with my dad...and ask how he want to celebrate his birthday...
U want to know?
Work 30/4/10
After finish school, I went to work....
I suppose do not have any tuition class today...but as a good teacher... I give them extra tuition since the coming week is their exam week...I also online...Facebook...and blogging as usual during working time...and planning a big event with my friends...What's that ? secret~~
Later we have weekly meeting with all the members...nothing special~~
The only special thing happened during my working time waas i blamed by BMW (boss that i mentioned before) for something I didn't do...It is about grammar error--"experiencing" and "experimenting"
so INNOCENT..............................................................................
I suppose do not have any tuition class today...but as a good teacher... I give them extra tuition since the coming week is their exam week...I also online...Facebook...and blogging as usual during working time...and planning a big event with my friends...What's that ? secret~~
Later we have weekly meeting with all the members...nothing special~~
The only special thing happened during my working time waas i blamed by BMW (boss that i mentioned before) for something I didn't do...It is about grammar error--"experiencing" and "experimenting"
so INNOCENT..............................................................................
School 30/4/10
As usual... Auntie Amy bring me to EU institute...Thank you Auntie for fetching me everyday...Thanks a lot...
I go into my classroom...Room 5...Normally, i will take out all the homework to do...but today didn't because no mood...
Why I have a lot of homeworks? Actually very little only...but I am lazy...I absent twice and because of my PERFECTION... I redo the homeworks that I have done but I think is not tidy...so I have a lot of homework...I sleep in class sometimes...so I have a lot homework...so simple...but so lazy to do...
The first class today is Accounting...teach by Miss Yeoh...a funny teacher...who make a lot of joke with us...Only during her class we are very noisy...we tell a lot of joke... the whole class laugh...we very enjoy her class...The others teacher...is just ~~~haha....will be introduced one by one...
So keep visiting my blog...
I go into my classroom...Room 5...Normally, i will take out all the homework to do...but today didn't because no mood...
Why I have a lot of homeworks? Actually very little only...but I am lazy...I absent twice and because of my PERFECTION... I redo the homeworks that I have done but I think is not tidy...so I have a lot of homework...I sleep in class sometimes...so I have a lot homework...so simple...but so lazy to do...
The first class today is Accounting...teach by Miss Yeoh...a funny teacher...who make a lot of joke with us...Only during her class we are very noisy...we tell a lot of joke... the whole class laugh...we very enjoy her class...The others teacher...is just ~~~haha....will be introduced one by one...
So keep visiting my blog...
29 April 2010 Drive legally
This night....dad want to go out yumcha...so i go together with him....only two of us....ern ern and ru ru already slept....
Dad give me the car key and let me drive...This time is the first time I drove legally...which is I already got my P license...Before this i already drove a few times illegally....haha
We went to mum working place...and along the journey which is not more than 4 km....dad keep nagging me as expected....I already expected that....so I just ignore it....because if I care, I will mad...haha....but my EQ is high enough to handle it.
Later dad cant take this anymore...so switch place with me and we went yumcha....
When someone with many experiences sit beside you while u are driving...you will feel nervous and can not do well...because they will keep nagging...haha...
Said me and KimHan...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Now i am giving tuition in Mercury room...Ian, Hannah and XiaoTing are doing their exercise...ME as their tuition teacher is blogging...In front of me, the new member is also doing his exercise...
My homework...which is a lot...is at my right hand side...
My cane...which is very big...is at my left hand side
I still got a lot of thing haven't do....
As a student...Homework~~~
As an employee...My student books..exercises...science program...parents day~~~
As a event organizer...Event...chinese chess...badminton...YuanDian...YMM Selangor...etc~~~
As a tuition teacher...My student syllybus and progress~~~
As a part-timer...MLM-Elken and Insurance-Great Eastern...have to find people...treat as my business~~~
As a citizen...My JPA scholarship~~~
As a boyfriend...Her birthday and our anniversary~~~
As a hubby...miss her and take care her everyday~~~
As a son and brother...my family~~~
As myself...I need REST!!
But our life is not fairy tale...we can't be ourself always...face different people everyday...so tiring wearing mask with smilling face when deal with someone i ................
My homework...which is a lot...is at my right hand side...
My cane...which is very big...is at my left hand side
I still got a lot of thing haven't do....
As a student...Homework~~~
As an employee...My student books..exercises...science program...parents day~~~
As a event organizer...Event...chinese chess...badminton...YuanDian...YMM Selangor...etc~~~
As a tuition teacher...My student syllybus and progress~~~
As a part-timer...MLM-Elken and Insurance-Great Eastern...have to find people...treat as my business~~~
As a citizen...My JPA scholarship~~~
As a boyfriend...Her birthday and our anniversary~~~
As a hubby...miss her and take care her everyday~~~
As a son and brother...my family~~~
As myself...I need REST!!
But our life is not fairy tale...we can't be ourself always...face different people everyday...so tiring wearing mask with smilling face when deal with someone i ................
Thursday, April 29, 2010
27 April 2010 (2) DATING
After i passed all my test...i went bank for a while...then go back home and change clothe...i wore the shirt she bought for me...hehe
I have no time to eat...I quickly went out to take bus...My destination is...
Petaling District
Puchong Zone
Pusat Bandar Puchong
....beside LDP...
IOI Mall.
..new wing...
Third floor
Redbox Karaoke
To meet a bunch of friend and her...
In Redbox...of courese we sing...drink...sing...eat...sing....and sing....
Me and she leave earlier for our second round...have our lunner/dinch...hehe
We went Little Taiwan and had some meals over there...
We just enjoy ourselves...The food is so warm...haha
Then we went JUSCO to play~~
When we want to go back...It was rainning...
We took bus...It was very congested...
When we arrive...it was still raining...
As usual ,I sent her home with bus '11 '...
I kept her glasses so it wouldn't wet..
When my job completed...i walked back home...alone...
This time...she told me...next time no matter we go have to bring umbrella...or else i have to drive...a four wheels vehicle...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
At this moment ,i have no mood to blog...
Maybe too much braincells die...dead
Use too much brain...Stuck...
Where is the plumber or the mechanic...or technician...i do not need doctor...
Maybe too much braincells die...dead
Use too much brain...Stuck...
Where is the plumber or the mechanic...or technician...i do not need doctor...
Science Program FLIER
Fuu~ yesterday night I went to Elken seminar again...this is the 5th times i went there...for product knowledge and share the achievements by others...Actually i planned not to go so i can finish my homework and the flier...
But at last I went too...
After we went yumcha ,uncle sent me back ,it is already 12.00 am...Although I am tired ,I quickly switched on my laptop to do the flier...i was so so so tired...and not even the halfway...i felt asleep ...with the spectacles still on my nose and the switched on computer...
This morning i wake up when my mum calling Wei Ern...i quickly open my eyes, find my glasses and wear it...then continue my works...I used half an hour to finished it...wow ...but i haven't brush my teeth and change my clothes...And yet ,i didn't do any single homework...so sad...i like my homework very much
Gotta stop here...need to email the flier to my boss...
But at last I went too...
After we went yumcha ,uncle sent me back ,it is already 12.00 am...Although I am tired ,I quickly switched on my laptop to do the flier...i was so so so tired...and not even the halfway...i felt asleep ...with the spectacles still on my nose and the switched on computer...
This morning i wake up when my mum calling Wei Ern...i quickly open my eyes, find my glasses and wear it...then continue my works...I used half an hour to finished it...wow ...but i haven't brush my teeth and change my clothes...And yet ,i didn't do any single homework...so sad...i like my homework very much
Gotta stop here...need to email the flier to my boss...
Sorry Babe, I love you...
Yesterday ,
when you say~Good night~
was so cute...
i love it...
Hope can hear that every night
27 April 2010 (1)
Today is my big day ... What big day...My driving test day ! It sounds small...but BIG..
Yesterday night i had nightmare twice...both are related to driving and vehicles but i forgot what happen in my dream...
I go to my driving school...PERFECT Driving Academy...to take the documents and wait for the arrival of JPJ to register...As usual ,the government staffs come after one hour as stated...We all, about 100 people have for 1 hour...as expected...My heartbeat become slower as time flow...does not mean that i am dieing but i feel less nervous...
Since I take both B2 and D class driving license test...So we take the first round of B2 test...Handling a motorcycle is just easy for me...although some mistake during emergency brake...but i still pass...so happy...
But now only the test start ! The D class test...In my mind, i keep thinking that i didn't give any coffee money ,so even how well i did, i will not pass...so i am nervous...because the money and the time i had spend here...although its not a lot...but ...well you know...i don't want take a repeat test...
It is now my turn to drive the car...after a while of break...the hill test, side-parking,and three-point-turn...
-Hill test...my document is not found ...but i already in the car on the hill...yet i need to come out from the car because without it i couldn't take the test...i went out and luckily one of the instructor send my document here...so I continue the test...
-Side-parking...the car i drove is extremely silent...when the car is in reverse gear ,i slowly remove the clutch....but it didn't move...i try and try ...and i accidentally pull out the car key...luckily the JPJ officer do not notice about it when busy dealing with other candidate...so I continue the test...
-Three-point-turn...nothing happen...just ok...
Yeah ! I pass all of the three test and now is the last section...On the road...
I completed B2 and D(1) within 1 hour...but i have to wait for the last section for about one and a half hour...damn long...tired...and boring
When my turn to go ...I go into the car...do all the required stuff...then i slowly release the clutch and let the car move...but the car stop and the engine~ ~...hehe you know
I try for the second time...when i try to release the clutch again...the JPJ officer remind me ...HANDBRAKE....oops, i forget about it...no wonder the car didn't move...
Move the car...drive it...it just normal along the road...come back...and i PASS.....
WoW ,I pASS mY tEST...I wILL hAVE mY oWN dRIVING lICENSE...and i can fetch my girlfriend to where ever we or she want to go...and also my family membersssss.....HappY~~~
Yesterday night i had nightmare twice...both are related to driving and vehicles but i forgot what happen in my dream...
I go to my driving school...PERFECT Driving Academy...to take the documents and wait for the arrival of JPJ to register...As usual ,the government staffs come after one hour as stated...We all, about 100 people have for 1 hour...as expected...My heartbeat become slower as time flow...does not mean that i am dieing but i feel less nervous...
Since I take both B2 and D class driving license test...So we take the first round of B2 test...Handling a motorcycle is just easy for me...although some mistake during emergency brake...but i still pass...so happy...
But now only the test start ! The D class test...In my mind, i keep thinking that i didn't give any coffee money ,so even how well i did, i will not pass...so i am nervous...because the money and the time i had spend here...although its not a lot...but ...well you know...i don't want take a repeat test...
It is now my turn to drive the car...after a while of break...the hill test, side-parking,and three-point-turn...
-Hill test...my document is not found ...but i already in the car on the hill...yet i need to come out from the car because without it i couldn't take the test...i went out and luckily one of the instructor send my document here...so I continue the test...
-Side-parking...the car i drove is extremely silent...when the car is in reverse gear ,i slowly remove the clutch....but it didn't move...i try and try ...and i accidentally pull out the car key...luckily the JPJ officer do not notice about it when busy dealing with other candidate...so I continue the test...
-Three-point-turn...nothing happen...just ok...
Yeah ! I pass all of the three test and now is the last section...On the road...
I completed B2 and D(1) within 1 hour...but i have to wait for the last section for about one and a half hour...damn long...tired...and boring
When my turn to go ...I go into the car...do all the required stuff...then i slowly release the clutch and let the car move...but the car stop and the engine~ ~...hehe you know
I try for the second time...when i try to release the clutch again...the JPJ officer remind me ...HANDBRAKE....oops, i forget about it...no wonder the car didn't move...
Move the car...drive it...it just normal along the road...come back...and i PASS.....
WoW ,I pASS mY tEST...I wILL hAVE mY oWN dRIVING lICENSE...and i can fetch my girlfriend to where ever we or she want to go...and also my family membersssss.....HappY~~~
LOve StoRy 4
The whole world know that i will leave at the end of the year...So Sad~
But none of them know that my dad have changed my mind...Too Bad~
So I SMS her ...
You want me to leave ?
If you don't want me to leave, then tell~ ~
If I stay here , can you become my girlfriend?
I stay here because of you ...the first lie i told her...because of this lie...we become couple later....
The feeling of me towards her changes from like to LOVE...
This is how I have my first girlfriend...and she has her first boy friend...
So in this world...have two more fall in the LOVE...
But none of them know that my dad have changed my mind...Too Bad~
So I SMS her ...
You want me to leave ?
If you don't want me to leave, then tell~ ~
If I stay here , can you become my girlfriend?
I stay here because of you ...the first lie i told her...because of this lie...we become couple later....
The feeling of me towards her changes from like to LOVE...
This is how I have my first girlfriend...and she has her first boy friend...
So in this world...have two more fall in the LOVE...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Oh my god ! I have so many homeworks need to finish ! I already start my tertiary school life in EU institute , taking LCCI Diploma...at PJ, Selangor
Many people think that it will be such a waste for excellent student like me to choose accounting, for them, they i think i should choose science or medicine or others related study... But this is my life, do not tell me what should and shouldn't i do...
Being human is just to make mistake and improve ...so let me be what I want to be... Our lives shouldn't control by others...I become a excellent student is because i choose to listen to teacher, i choose to be responsible, i choose to learn, i choose to use my brain...
Don't forget, I am a teenager, i can be sucks likes others... i can say bad words in every sentences i speak out, i can go hang out every day in shopping mall...i can do others stuff as other teenagers but i CHOOSE to not doind its...I might not be matured enough ,but every single human being have brain...and i choose to use my brain to think...
The most important is my father teach me how to think...Thanks dad...You have teach me a lot, but i still have a lot to learn from you...you might not success in your career , but you are the greatest dad...not because of you buy us a lot of toys, full-fill our every single wish, but you teach us how to think and choose...
Many people think that it will be such a waste for excellent student like me to choose accounting, for them, they i think i should choose science or medicine or others related study... But this is my life, do not tell me what should and shouldn't i do...
Being human is just to make mistake and improve ...so let me be what I want to be... Our lives shouldn't control by others...I become a excellent student is because i choose to listen to teacher, i choose to be responsible, i choose to learn, i choose to use my brain...
Don't forget, I am a teenager, i can be sucks likes others... i can say bad words in every sentences i speak out, i can go hang out every day in shopping mall...i can do others stuff as other teenagers but i CHOOSE to not doind its...I might not be matured enough ,but every single human being have brain...and i choose to use my brain to think...
The most important is my father teach me how to think...Thanks dad...You have teach me a lot, but i still have a lot to learn from you...you might not success in your career , but you are the greatest dad...not because of you buy us a lot of toys, full-fill our every single wish, but you teach us how to think and choose...
Everyday...at this moment ...usually i am blogging...
I wrote ~~
I am posting the LOve StoRy of me and my girlfriends...
I do this because I know our brain memory is not enough to store what we had been gone through...
She is my first and my third girlfriend until now...and the last until the end of my life
just keep following our LOve StoRy...
I wrote ~~
What happen in my life ...
What is my feelings ...
Who is me ...
Where is me ...
myself ...
Expressthe true Tan Wei Hoa ...
Express the me unknown by others ...
I am posting the LOve StoRy of me and my girlfriends...
I do this because I know our brain memory is not enough to store what we had been gone through...
She is my first and my third girlfriend until now...and the last until the end of my life
just keep following our LOve StoRy...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
LOve StoRy 3
My dad decided to move house...not within Puchong area...not within Petaling District...not within Selangor state...But we are going to Johor, our village...OH MY ~ ~ ~
Me and she just started...oh, not even start yet ,need to be 400++km away ...
All my friends and my teacher ...i will be very miss you guys... But I do not want to leave you guys...T.T
My mom ,my sister ,my brother ,all of us do not want to move...so at the end of the year... we manage to pursuit our dad...of course ,due to some others reason too...dad make decision not to move... I was so happy...
So I SMS her but I didn't tell her the truth ....(to be continued)
23 April 2010... ....Rain
Early in the morning, i woke up .
A Doo came to fetch me and we went to Yin Peng house together.
Me, a Doo .Boey Yin Peng ,Chiew Fong and Cai Ying went to a seminar together.It is about How to Become a Good MC (master of ceremony).Ryan (Hong San) is the one who giving the talk.
We arrive...register...wait...
The seminar start...we listen...listen...listen. At the end, when the Q & A section , i have a question to ask...But some senior citizens keep asking question...which were not related to the topic...I give up...
We go back to Batu 8 MCA office.When we arrive ,already got many student there waiting for us.
We straight away start...
---SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1 ---Diabolo performance
---SMK Puchong Perdana ---Diabolo Performance
---SMK Puchong Batu 8 ---Modern Dance
---SMK Bandar Puchong Jaya B ---Talk show (xiang sheng)
Then, while Boey and Yin Peng were discussing about the performance...we continue with a few dance...
All of them looks like willing to learn and learnt very fast...
We later start our meeting...chair by Hooi Zhi...and the 2nd and 4th performance get the chance to perform on 26 of June...Meeting is about proving how useless and troblesome of my suggested system...
Finish the meeting...me, Cai Ying and Gee Wey teach them a afew dance...which are only two...but they are so energetic...they learnt 2 songs but follow us dance for more than 5 songs...Wao! So tiring but happy too...It had been a long time i never get tired because of dancing...
Now ...start rainnig... me and she went for a date...only a while...sent her home...walked back home alone...tired~~
This night...i am totally a jerk...i sent her some messages...she ask me to call her back...I did...when she pick up the phone...she can't say even a word...because she is crying...
Wei Hoa...Please remember do not hurt her again...do not tell her anything which is bad ,negative...your job is to make her happy...your job is to let her see the sunshine...even though it is raining in your heart...even though you have any negative emotions...just put it inside your heart...and solve it by yourself! Do not ever tell anyone..especially your love one...Wan Hooi Zhi...
Babe...Please forgive me...I LOVE YOU
It is not like I never wait for someone or something...now I am waiting for JPA scholarship...I am waiting for my agent test...I am waiting for the time to fly away from my cage~WORKING PLACE...and i used to wait for her for two hours...that time she is not my girlfriend yet...(i posted the story)
Two days ago...same thing happened...she went for meeting and yet as a boyfriend i went to wait for her at IOI . The only difference is now she is my girlfriend now...I reach at about 2.50pm...then i went to hang around somewhere of anywhere and thinking what should we do and where should we when after she finished...
Later I received her message :Come here now..got something to ask you....
So I went down to the place they meeting...i solve their question...they know the answer and i walked out alone...is kind of weird
I received her message again : Where is the money ?
So I called her and explained...for the second time where the first time I already explained to the people in-charged...
I went Popular...take some books and read~~
She came...with her friends...saw me...go to find for white board...with her friends...
She looks sad...so I ask why? As usual she said :"nothing" , with the upset face...Then I decided to bring her to some where else...to make her happy
But i was wrong...at the end of the day... I ended up with my tears...I was so selfish...now only i know that...
Two days ago...same thing happened...she went for meeting and yet as a boyfriend i went to wait for her at IOI . The only difference is now she is my girlfriend now...I reach at about 2.50pm...then i went to hang around somewhere of anywhere and thinking what should we do and where should we when after she finished...
Later I received her message :Come here now..got something to ask you....
So I went down to the place they meeting...i solve their question...they know the answer and i walked out alone...is kind of weird
I received her message again : Where is the money ?
So I called her and explained...for the second time where the first time I already explained to the people in-charged...
I went Popular...take some books and read~~
She came...with her friends...saw me...go to find for white board...with her friends...
She looks sad...so I ask why? As usual she said :"nothing" , with the upset face...Then I decided to bring her to some where else...to make her happy
But i was wrong...at the end of the day... I ended up with my tears...I was so selfish...now only i know that...
Today morning, I went out breakfast with my dad. Only two of us ,because mum need to sleep ,sister and brother were studying in school.We went the kopitiam we went often and order "pork meat noodle" as usual...
Then we went to my uncle house . Before i went in with dad, i ask him to let me test drive for few round with his car . I did it and i few more confident when handling a car...Then I went into the house and watch television with my dad...
I was HAPPY...because I heard my favourite song ~ bao bei
When about 11.30 pm, dad fetch me home for changed then I go to driving lesson by myself ...
Then we went to my uncle house . Before i went in with dad, i ask him to let me test drive for few round with his car . I did it and i few more confident when handling a car...Then I went into the house and watch television with my dad...
I was HAPPY...because I heard my favourite song ~ bao bei
When about 11.30 pm, dad fetch me home for changed then I go to driving lesson by myself ...
Thursday, April 22, 2010
LOve StoRy 2
One night in the prefect camp...i told her...You look pretty with this hairstyle..
That was my first time to praise a girl sincerely.
After the prefect camp, we come back to our own normal life...the only abnormal thing is the frequency of me and she mouth-fight become less...we didn't noticed about that but our friends do.
Our relationship become closer ...we hang out more often ...
But ...one day,my family had make a big decision...
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